

In wake of the events of the Summer of 2020, I launched a series called #TodayIWill, highlighting action steps, educational resources and inspiration for eradicating injustice. A selected archive of resources lives here.

01 Today I Will Begin
Revolution is not a onetime event. - Audre Lorde

It’s not up to you to finish the work, but neither are you free not to take it up. -Talmud 

From A Portrait A Day Series, Vol 2 by artist Natasha Cunningham (@aboutnatlife).

Read it.
02 Today I Will Take 9 Minutes
It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains. - Assata Shakur, Assata: An Autobiography

“Serwaa and Amoakohene” (2019), by Jordan Casteel (@jordanmcasteel).
Read it here.
03 Today I Will Celebrate Junteenth

"These ceremonials in honor of white supremacy, performed from babyhood, slip from the conscious mind down deep into muscles...and become difficult to tear out." — Lillian Smith, Killers of the Dream

“Serwaa and Amoakohene” (2019), by Jordan Casteel (@jordanmcasteel).

Read it.