state farm + james harden
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state farm + james harden
CLIENT: State Farm, TALENT: James Harden, AGENCY: Translation, EP: Alma Lacour, DESIGN DIRECTOR: Ron Beach Jr.

State Farm went after NBA fans at All-Star Weekend by letting them get inside James Harden's head. We were given the opportunity of building a 15-foot 3D replica of the Houston Rockets star’s head, which we installed on the Santa Monica Pier and again outside of the Rockets stadium. Fans went inside and played an interactive game developed by artist Joshua Davis to help Harden's State Farm agent Cole Perez (played by Oscar Nuñez) clear James' head of “distractions” ahead of the All-Star game. Fans walked away with an animated gif to share with their friends. The stunt was part of the insurance brand's ongoing "Get An Agent That Gets You" campaign from State Farm and Translation.